About Us

With 25,000 breaths a day, our anxiety levels, blood pressure, and heart rate can be affected. Unfortunately, in today’s global village, being mindful of our surroundings and our own body has become a lost art.

At Santulan, we understand the impact that breathing has on our physical and emotional well-being.

We specialize in emotional regulation and can help you manage increasing amounts of stress, anxiety, and sadness. Our goal is to help you find YOUR unique rhythm.

If you’re looking to explore what balance means for you, Santulan is here to help. Contact us today to learn more!

What’s Unique

Traditional talk therapy uses a ‘top down approach’, which focuses on problem solving and altering thoughts. This is usually restricted to talking. At Santulan, ‘bottom up approaches’ focusing on the nervous system and emotions are used. This involves somatic and experiential exercises like breathwork and imagery which promote overall well-being instead of providing temporary solutions.

Our Services

‘‘ We were not born sick; we were born into a sick system ’’

We use diagnosis only to guide major treatment decisions. We prefer to tailor make your therapy journey while keeping your unique needs and experiences in mind.

Psychotherapy and assessments provided for -




Depression is a mood disorder characterized by low mood, tiredness and loss of interest.

Your mood state matters to us.


Substance abuse


Tobacco and Cannabis are commonly abused substances.

We will stand with you every step of the way.


Anxiety disorders

Anxiety disorders

Panic attacks, social anxiety, excessive fear and constant worrying are results of different anxiety disorders.

We will help you deal with your fears.


Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)


Intrusive images followed by repetitive compulsive acts are typical of OCD.

We will help you break this cycle.


LGBTQIA+ specific concerns

LGBTQIA+ specific concerns

Stigma, loneliness & identity crisis?

We are an inclusive platform, sensitive towards intersectionality.


Severe stress and adjustment disorders

Severe stress and adjustment disorders

Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) is caused because of stressful experiences.

We will help you get unstuck from the past.


Dissociative disorders

Dissociative disorders

One can experience loss of integration between memories, awareness or sensations.

We will help you integrate all your parts.


Somatoform disorders

Somatoform disorders

Physical symptoms without a physiological cause are characteristic of somatoform disorders.

We will be there with your pain.


Eating disorders

Eating disorders

Binge eating, purging and body dysmorphia are a few features of eating disorders.

We will help you build self-acceptance.


Sleep disorders

Sleep disorders

Insomnia, night terrors and sleepwalking are characteristics of sleep disorders.

We will help you sleep better.


Sexual and couple’s dysfunctions

Sexual and couple’s dysfunctions

This includes inability to experience sexual arousal or conflicts in intimate relationships.

We will help you get in touch with your bodies.


Personality disorders

Personality disorders

Emotional dysregulation and dysfunctional relationships are a few features of personality disorders.

We will help you regulate and have healthy boundaries.


Habit and impulse control disorders

Habit and impulse control disorders

Hair picking and stealing are a few features of habit and impulse control disorders.

We will help you break your habits.


Childhood disorders

Childhood disorders

Sibling rivalry, separation anxiety, acting out and hyperactivity are a few features of childhood disorders.

We will help your child adjust better.


Tic disorder

Tic disorder

A tic is an involuntary motor or vocal movement.

We will help you stop these movements.

Our therapy is caste, gender and queer affirmative.

About Your Therapists

Ishita Lamba Video poster #1

Ishita Lamba is an RCI registered Clinical Psychologist. She has a trauma focused approach and is a somatic experiencing student. She is also certified in EMDR. She uses somatic awareness and breathwork to facilitate change in her sessions.

As a therapist, she is vulnerable and doesn’t shy away from self disclosure. She believes every individual is unique and should be celebrated for the same.

In her free time, she enjoys dancing and swears by movement and body based interventions.

Vasu Upadhyay

Vasu Upadhyay is a psychotherapist with a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology. He offers a holistic approach integrating breathwork and mindfulness techniques, to guide clients towards self recovery.

He finds solace in reading research related to psychology and technology, and enjoys playing the guitar.


I felt very safe. It took me some time, but I was able to open up to Ishita very well and she became an important source of validation and a guide for me. She was very caring, very gentle and made many adjustments for me. This was the best experience I’ve had in therapy.

22 years, engineering student

I liked knowing about research studies that were relevant to therapy, I could make sense of what was happening. I had a life changing experience which I’ll always be grateful for!

24 years, speech and hearing trainee

The therapy sessions were great. I loved the fact that you were very brutal with the truth and very soothing at the same time. I always felt safe & looked forward to our sessions.

32 years, housewife

It was slow in the start, but I believe that’s how it works. Ultimately, it worked out for me for the better, so it all made sense in the end. I came out as a person I never thought existed within me.

28 years, MD gynecology resident

I loved the interactions, and it was very helpful for me to allow me to have perspective on my problems.

19 years, hotel management student


While all fields are related to mental health, a psychiatrist has a medical degree and can prescribe medications but others can’t. Psychiatrists generally focus on symptom removal and rarely offer long term therapy sessions. They deal with a clinical population.

A counsellor helps in solving day to day problems and is directive in their approach. They offer advice pertaining to daily living. They may specialize in certain fields like sports counselling, career counseling and organizational counselling. They deal with a sub clinical population.

A psychotherapist helps in altering thoughts, behaviors, or emotions by identifying maladaptive patterns in an individual. They explore an individuals’ psyche deeper than a counselor. They deal with a sub clinical population.

A clinical psychologist is a psychotherapist with specialization in dealing with a clinical population with relatively severe symptoms. They are licensed professionals as recognized by the rehabilitation council of India (RCI).

Some reasons one could start therapy include experiencing intense emotions, difficulties in interpersonal relationships, excessive rumination (thinking) and difficulty adjusting with one’s environment.

If you want a holistic approach that looks at you as a person instead of targeting on individual symptoms, this approach is perfect for you. It is also best suited for clients who aren’t looking for a quick fix and are willing to put in the time and energy towards their growth.

Healing is a spiral process. Just like we exercise on a regular basis to stay fit, therapy is required to remain mindful. Since psychotherapy focuses on holistic growth, it can be slow. Expect at least 8 – 30 weeks (depending on the individual) to notice significant changes. Sessions can then be spaced out and continued depending on your needs. (Lowry, J. L., & Ross, M. J., 1997)

Online psychotherapy has been found to be as efficacious as face-to-face psychotherapy and have shown similar symptom improvement rates. (Ahern, E., et al., 2017)

No. Other treatment modalities like ayurveda (Hegde, D, et al., 2016) and other alternative medicines have had significant results. Some people with less severe symptoms find journaling and using other art forms like music, dance and art helpful.

All emotions including sadness anger and frustration are a part of our constitution. Therapy will not make difficult situations and problems go away; however, it will equip you to not get overwhelmed and deal with these difficult situations in a better manner.

Once a week for best results.

Therapy is a safe and confidential space. Any exceptions to this confidentiality will be clearly mentioned to you in the informed consent form that you would be required to sign before initiating therapy with Santulan.


Self-compassion or tough love?

There are the stereotypical roles we...

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Mental health and the society

In the medical institute I was getting trained,..

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Bottom-up psychotherapy approaches

When someone says the word ‘therapy’ a ...

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This workshop included regulating the physiology with the breath. The breathwork was coupled with rhythms of the djembe to integrate the mind and body as a whole.



Facilitated by Pradeep Gupta, a contemporary choreographer and dance practitioner, this workshop included self awareness through mindful movement.


‘Authentic relationg circle’ and ‘Nature circle’ were conducted for young adults in Raipur seeking a safe and reflective space.
